We will ship the items once we confirm the payment.
Customs duty and other taxes may be levied when the shipment reaches your country.
We send “order confirmation e-mail” within 3 business days after you complete the order on the Website.
We accept your payment by Credit Card(VISA, Master card).
Your order will be shipped from Japan to your destination with DHL.
All orders can be tracked at the DHL website. Click here for tracking your shipment.
Dates required for the shipment may also be affected by the standard of DHL and delivery situations of each countries.
Customs duty and other taxes may be levied when the shipment reaches your country.
If applicable, please pay those costs directly to the delivery agents or the customs office.
Policies on those taxes vary in each country.
Please contact the customs office at your country for more details.
Returns and Refunds
We don't accept customer requests for returns and/or exchanges and/or refunds.